International community is working really hard in the direction of recognising use of ODR as an effective dispute resolution mechanism. For instance, European Union has been considering use of ODR for cross border consumer disputes. Similarly, efforts of United Nations to streamline ODR are also well known. Similarly, use of ODR for cross border e-commerce transactions is also suggested. Similarly, WIPO is also using ODR for dispute resolution.
These international efforts must also be implemented at the national level. In other words, ODR needs international harmonisation to be effective. If we implement ODR at the international level alone, using ODR at national level would never be successful.
For instance, online dispute resolution in India is still evolving. ADR and ODR services in India are still in their infancy stages. Obviously, online dispute resolution services in India are still maturing. We have very few online dispute resolution centers in India. Further, Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) is the sole techno legal ADR and ODR services provider in India.
Interest in ODR must be invoked among the stakeholders at both national and international level. ODR can be really effective where stakeholders are located at different jurisdiction. With the help of technology, disputes can be resolved without even leaving the residence of any party. Let us hope that ODR would be used at mass scale and at all levels to resolve disputes in the best possible manner.