Years have passed but the bitter truth still prevails in India. Although HRD minister Kapil Sibal is doing great to improve and strengthen the dying educational system of India yet PhDs in India are still facing the menace of corruption.
Recently, e-mails were also sent to both Kapil Sibal and Salman Khurshid to bring to their notice the deteriorating conditions of higher legal education in India. The truth is that higher legal education in India needs urgent reforms.
Higher education in India is suffering from many deficiencies and irregularities. These include lack of practical training, academic nature of education, absence of skills development, corruption, lack of research capabilities, etc.
Universities and colleges are engaging in all sorts of undesirable behaviours and practices and this is affecting the higher education and research oriented courses like PhDs. Indian government is also not very much enthusiastic in curing these deficiencies and eliminating the irregularities.
The lack of transparency and prevalent corruption is eating up the higher education system of India and it can be cured if we allow foreign educational institutions to open their centers in India. This way not only the monopoly of Indian colleges and institutions can be eliminated but better and qualitative education can be made available to Indian students.
Further, this would also force the Indian educational institutions and colleges to focus and stress upon quality rather than upon corrupt practices and exploitation. We need more virtual campuses as well so that Indian students can have qualitative education through e-learning and distance learning method.
At Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) we are trying to bridge this qualitative gap in a corruption free environment through its Online Skills Development and Training platform. PTLB is managing the exclusive techno legal e-learning and virtual legal education campus of India and world wide. It also provides many other qualitative and highly specialised courses through its virtual campus that would remain a dream through traditional Indian educational institutions. We hope this initiative of ours would be beneficial for all the stakeholders.