Although Backtrack has always been a good tool but its team(s) must be congratulated for not only providing it free of cost but also for keeping pace with the contemporary cyberspace challenges. The latest stable and final release has also added the cyber forensics functionality. The best part about this feature is that it is claimed to be safe from making changes to the system under inspection. Although Perry4Law and Perry4Law Techno-Legal Base (PTLBTM/SM) have yet to test the tool but the claimed features are very promising.
A successful cyber forensics examination must essentially gather both volatile as well as non-volatile data and information. Also during the live analysis of a system, files and data should not be overwritten. Similarly, there should not be any change in the integrity of the information residing on the suspected computer or device. Backtrack 4 meets many of these requirements but it still has to enhance the cyber forensics features further. It is very difficult to provide security and forensics functionalities at the same time yet Backtrack 4 is proceeding in the right direction.
All interested person must give it a try and the same can be downloaded from the website of Backtrack. Perry4Law and PTLB are in the process of analysis and use of Backtrack 4 and would come up with their observations and suggestions. For the time being it would be a good idea to start gaining the basic knowledge of Linux.
We are also analysing other freely available cyber security and cyber forensics distributions. There are many freely available and dedicated cyber forensics distributions that are worth trying. Similarly, there are dedicated cyber security softwares that are freely available. We would be covering them one by one.