Keeping this in mind, the First Edition (September 2010) of Exclusive Techno Legal Book on Cyber Forensics in India has been published by Perry4Law/Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) Publications. It is written by Praveen Dalal, the Leading Techno Legal Expert of India and Cyber Forensics Specialist of India.
Presently, the Book is available under “Limited Circulation Only” and that also after receiving a “Written Request” in this regard from the Head of the Department (HOD) of the “Selective” Governmental Department alone.
Central Ministers/HOD/Chief/Chairman of the following Governmental Institutions/Offices can request a “Copy” of the same on the “Official Letterhead” of their respective Institutions/Organisations/Offices:
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The “Availability” of the Book is on “First Come First Basis”. Further, there are “Limited Copies Only” and these would be provided at the “Absolute Discretion” of Author/Perry4Law/PTLB.
We reserve the right to provide or refuse to provide the Copy to any Person/Institution/Organisation/Governmental Department/International Organisation or Institution, etc.
The Cost of the Book would be Rs. 800, which may be waived if Author/Perry4Law/PTLB decided to do so.
Postal Charges would be charged extra.
Requests for the Copies of First Edition (September 2010) can be placed immediately as the Book is already written but we would start dispatching the same only after 31st April, 2011. Address for sending the “Requests” can be obtained by sending an e-mail to both pd37 at rediffmail dot com and perry4law at yahoo dot com.
Further, if we find that there is a “Scope for Improvements” in the same, we would intimate the Requester accordingly and provide the “Improved and Updated Copy” alone.
Public Version or Copies of the Book would be available after June 2011. All those interested in Public Version may “Contact Us” and send their requests in this regard through e-mail. Kindly do not remit any Cash, Cheque, DD, etc till we expressly ask you to do so.
Details Of The Book
The Book covers Nine Chapters in all. It includes the following Chapters:
(1) Introduction,
(2) Traditional Forensics Science v. Cyber Forensics,
(3) The Emerging Trends of Crimes and Criminals,
(4) Legal Framework for Cyber Forensics in India,
(5) Need of Cyber Forensics in India,
(6) Methods of Cyber Forensics,
(7) Jurisdictional Issues of Cyber Law and Cyber Forensics,
(8) Information Technology and Judicial Attitude
(9) Conclusions and Suggestions
Publishers and Distributors, both National and International, may also contact us with their “Proposals”.
Any other comments, suggestions and views are most welcome.