Indian educational system is more academic than professional. As a result although India has good population that is academically sound yet when it comes to practical and real life experience and work, they do not perform reasonably well. Various studies and research in India have suggested that out of the educated masses only 15 to 25% are fit for being absorbed at job places.
In short, India is running short of institutions that can impart good techno-legal skill development education, training and coaching. Perry4Law and PTLB have launched the first ever “Techno-Legal Online Coaching, Training and Education Centre” in India that aims at developing the skill and talent of the students and professionals seeking a good career in cyber law and allied fields.
Interested students, teachers and partners wishing to be part of the project as well as future projects and initiatives of Perry4Law must contact it as soon as possible. The contemporary skill requirements are multi disciplinary in nature where a computer science student or professional must also have basic level of legal knowledge. The proposed initiative keeps this in mind and students and professionals from all the educational streams are encourage getting themselves enrolled.
The government of India must also come up with a good educational policy as well as sound legal reforms so that legal sector may meet the contemporary international standards and requirements.