Cyber law of India needs to be rejuvenated. The emphasis must be to develop and protect Indian cyberspace rather than considering as a threat to be tackled through Internet censorship, websites blocking, e-surveillance, phone tapping and similar anti civil liberties protection in cyberspace.
Similarly stress should be given to cyber security of India through cyber security due diligence and mandatory obligations. The cyber security trends in India 2011 have proved that various stakeholders in India are not paying enough attention to cyber security. This is more so regarding banks in India that are not following the cyber security guidelines of Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
Perry4Law and Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) believe that a major reason for poor performance on Indian cyber law and cyber security is that we have mixed all the aspects in a single law. For instance, although IT Act 2000 covers issues like cyber law, cyber security, cyber forensics, encryption, e-governance, e-commerce, cyber terrorism, etc yet the same are covered by a single section or more. This way none of them are individually effective.
We must have a separate and dedicated law for each of these issues that seem to have been dumped into a single law making it ineffective and useless for those issues. Further, the information technology amendment act 2008 (IT Act 2008 amendments) have further complicated the issue. By making almost all the cyber crimes “bailable”, Indian government has created a big nuisance for itself.
Perry4Law and PTLB hope that the year 2012 would bring major relief in this regard. Law making is a lengthy and tedious process and the sooner it is started the better it would be for the larger interest of India.