With the growing use and dependence upon information and communication technology (ICT), nations are focusing upon ensuring robust cyber security. The international cyber security policy framework and Indian response to the same are proof of the same. In fact, India is considering use of public private partnership (PPP) for internal security of India. Although India is also considering working in the direction of cyber security yet its speed and efforts in this direction are slower as compared to international cyber security standards and efforts.
Cyber security in India is not what is required. As per the cyber security trends in India 2011 by Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB), cyber security expertise and practices adopted in India are neither adequate nor qualitative. There is an urgent need to strengthen the cyber security mechanisms of various stakeholders in India.
Homeland security in India needs to be strengthened. In fact, India US homeland security dialogue has already been initiated. Homeland security and cyber security market in India is growing. In fact, Microsoft and Symantec are exploring the cyber security market of India. European Union (EU) has also invited India to participate in a mega cyber security and cyber crime project.
Critical national infrastructure security in India needs to be strengthened. Highly sophisticated malware like Duqu, Stuxnet, etc targeted India in the year 2011 and India is still investigating the Duqu malware. Indian nuclear facilities, automated power grids, satellites, defense networks, governmental informatics infrastructures, etc are vulnerable to sophisticated cyber attacks. It is still not clear whether Indian satellites are safe from cyber attacks.
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is another area of concern. Cyber protection of SCADA systems in India must also be ensured. Similarly, Indian defense and security against cyber warfare needs to be developed so that cyber attacks against India can be thwarted. A good cyber security policy in India must be formulated that must include a critical ICT infrastructure protection policy of India as well. Similarly, effective legal and policy framework for cyber security must also be created in India.
Although there are numerous aspects of Cyber Security Policy of India yet Critical Infrastructure Protection in India and Critical ICT Infrastructure Protection in India are the most important aspects of the same. Similarly, cyber law of India must also be strengthened to effectuate cyber security in India. Hopefully Indian government would consider these aspects this year.