Praveen Dalal
Praveen Dalal

The BCI failed to provide an online platform where legal education and exams can be conducted. Similarly, Moily failed to bring even a single e-court in India. After almost seven years of deliberation, e-courts project of India seems to have been scrapped. Realising that both online legal education and e-courts require expertise (especially the e-court) it would be prudent to expect one more year before any action is taken by BCI and Moily in this regard.
Meanwhile, both BCI and Moily must concentrate upon another crucial project that is relevant for both Bar and Bench. It pertains to use of online dispute resolution (ODR) for legal and judicial purposes. Even the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) regime in India needs an upgradation as it has failed to provide the desired results. Since the arbitration law of India is in the process of reformulation, it is high time for Moily to incorporate necessary provisions regarding ODR in it as well. Even suitable provisions regarding e-courts can be incorporated in the same.
Techno-Legal expertise and assistance of Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) can be taken in this regard as it is managing all the above mentioned areas of legal and judicial reforms.
PTLB is managing an online platform that caters the techno-legal training, education, coaching and skill development requirements regarding bar examinations in India, Indian legal services exams, training of lawyers in India, cyber law courses, cyber law trainings for lawyers and judges, etc. The main purpose of this platform is not to provide empty academic education but to develop skill of lawyers, judges, professionals, law students, etc.
PTLB is also managing e-courts training and consultancy centre of India. This is the exclusive centre in the World that provides valuable training and consultancy regarding e-courts, digital evidencing, cyber law training to judges, ODR, etc. This is one of the most important projects that can bring long term and robust legal and judicial reforms in India. Both BCI and Moily must consider replicating this model as soon as possible.
PTLB is also managing the exclusive techno-legal ODR Center of the World. It manages both technical as well as legal issues of dispute resolution. This can be a valuable addition in the legal and judicial reforms arsenal of BCI and Moily.
Above all PTLB is willing to replicate and establish these models for BCI and Law Ministry if they deem it necessary for India.