Some areas where Perry4Law can collaborate and provide its Specialised Techno-Legal Services in the E-Learning, Higher Education, Life Long Education Fields are:
(1) Educational Consortiums, Partnerships, Research Partnerships, etc
(2) Lifelong Learning, Adult Education, Continuing Education,
(3) E-Learning Collaborations and Partnerships,
(4) Certified Courses awarding Diploma(s) and Certificate(s),
(5) Techno-Legal Knowledge and Skill Development,
(6) Faculty Development Programs (FDPs),
(7) Contents Development and Upgradation,
(8) Techno-Legal Partnerships after signing Memorandum Of Understandings (MOUs), etc.
For availing the Techno-Legal Professional Services of Perry4Law in the abovementioned fields, visit its “Contact Point” and fulfill the prerequisites mentioned therein.