April 2013 is the month in which Indian government
wishes to implement the controversial and ambitious central
monitoring system (CMS) project of India. The year 2013 is
also the year where the intelligence
infrastructure of India may also see a boost.
Till now the national
counter terrorism centre (NCTC) of India has failed to
take off the ground. Similarly, the national
intelligence grid (Natgrid) project of India, crime
and criminal tracking network and system (CCTNS), etc are
also facing a similar fate.
On the front of cyber
security infrastructure of India as well, there is little
progress. We have no cyber
security best practices in India and law enforcement and
intelligence agencies are actually working in an improper
manner while dealing with sensitive information.
Crucial projects and authorities like national
cyber coordination centre (NCCC) of India, national
critical information infrastructure protection centre (NCIIPC) of
India, telecom
security directorate of India, etc are still in pipeline.
Even on the legislation front, India is deliberately
postponing enactment of relevant and crucial techno legal laws. For
instance, the cell
site data location laws in India and privacy issues must
be suitably regulated by a new law. Similarly, the cell
site location based e-surveillance in India and
of internet traffic in India must also be part and parcel
of a new legislation.
oversight of intelligence agencies of India is need of the
hour as intelligence
work is not an excuse for non accountability.
Unfortunately, the intelligence infrastructure of India has become
synonymous for non
accountability and lack of oversight.
The government has to maintain a balance
between civil liberties like right to privacy and law enforcement
requirements. If a provision mandating compulsory cell phone location
tracking for all the phones and others is formulated, it would fell
afoul of the constitutional and statutory protections in India.
As on date, phone tapping can be done only through
the procedure prescribe under the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885. All
passive phone tapings that are not authorised under the Telegraph Act
are illegal and punishable. It is immaterial whether a law
enforcement agency or private person is indulging in such activity as
it would remain illegal and punishable for both in such
The real problem is that the law enforcement and
intelligence agencies of India are not subject to any practical and
effective parliamentary oversight. Indian government must not only
make them accountable to the parliament but also formulate new laws
keeping in mind the contemporary requirements. The Telegraph Act has
long served its purpose and it deserves a complete rejuvenation.
We must also not forget that we have no dedicated
laws, data
protection laws, data
security laws and cyber
security laws in India. In these circumstances
implementing the central monitoring system project of India would
raise serious constitutional challenges and Indian government must
avoid the same at all costs.