Indian courts have been using information and
communication technology (ICT) for effective judicial functioning.
New features like online cause lists, filing of cases on digital
mediums like CDs, providing of judgments online, use of video
conferencing, etc. are already being used by courts of India.
However, automation of courts systems in India is
still far from satisfactory. We are still waiting for the
establishment of first e-court of India. Till now India has been able
to computerise some courts alone and e-courts functionalities are
still missing.
For instance, courts automation and functionalities
like e-filing, submission of notices and evidence, online cross
examination, online cyber forensics support, etc are still missing.
At Perry4Law
and Perry4Law’s
Techno Legal Base (PTLB) we are managing the exclusive
techno legal e-courts
training and consultancy centre of India. This e-courts
centre is also managing software
repositories in the fields like courts automation, cyber
forensics, cyber
security, online
dispute resolution, etc.
Further, the e-courts centre of India is also
imparting techno
legal trainings in the fields like cyber
law, cyber
forensics, cyber
security, e-courts management, courts automation, judicial
and legal integration system, legal
management systems, e-discovery,
development and trainings for lawyers,
public prosecutors, law enforcement agencies, judges and court master
and staff is also undertaken by PTLB.
ICT can be used to bring judicial reforms in India.
At Perry4Law and PTLB we believe that establishment of e-courts in
India and using online dispute resolution in India for effective and
alternative dispute resolution can not only bring the pending cases
down but also help in providing speedy and economic justice to the
The sooner e-courts are established in India and ODR
is used for alternative dispute resolution the better it would be for
the legal and judicial system of India.
Source: Legal Enablement Blog Of PTLB.