We have no dedicated cyber security laws in India and we urgently need a dedicated cyber security legal framework in India. Further, cyber security capabilities of India must be strengthened so that cyber attacks against India’s critical infrastructures can be prevented.
The cyber laws and cyber security trends of India 2011 by Perry4Law and Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) has clearly showed the cyber security vulnerabilities of India. Cyber terrorism against India, cyber warfare against India, cyber espionage against India and cyber attacks against India have already increased a lot. Even the cyber law trends of India 2012 by PTLB have also projected an increased rate of cyber crimes in India and cyber attacks against India in the year 2012.
Cyber security laws in India have not been formulated because there is very low cyber law and cyber security awareness in India. As a result we have very few cyber law firms in India and cyber security law firms in India.
Further, cyber security research, training and education in India are also not fully developed. PTLB is managing the exclusive techno legal cyber security centre of India. In the absence of qualitative educational institutes in India, cyber security courses in India are still maturing. Further, cyber security skills development in India is greatly affected in the absence of practical techno legal trainings in this crucial field.
Indian government has now shown some positive response for strengthening cyber security in India. A national critical information infrastructure protection centre (NCIPC) of India has also been proposed by Indian government. This is appositive development and Perry4Law and PTLB welcome this effort of Indian government.