Naturally, India needs a skilled ethical hacking workforce that can ward off such cyber threats. Cyber skills development in India has, therefore, gained importance and demand for skilled workforce in fields like cyber security, cyber forensics, cyber law, etc has increased globally.
These fields are techno legal in nature that required a thorough understanding of both technical and legal aspects at the same time. Neither technical nor legal knowledge in itself is sufficient. Techno legal e-learning courses in India need to be developed to meet the techno legal demands of India.
Ethical hacking trainings and courses in India need to be developed on techno legal lines. Similarly, ethical hacking training institutes in India must also ensure that the trainings provided by them are techno legal in nature. Further, ethical hacking training providers in India must also ensure that they provide only practical trainings and courses whose main aim should be to develop techno legal skills.
Ethical hacking skills development in India is not an easy task. The amalgamation of technology and law is not easy to teach. It is even more difficult to practically apply these techno legal principles in real life. At Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) we understand these issues and are providing the exclusive techno legal ethical hacking trainings and courses in India. Other techno legal courses are also provided by PTLB that covers areas like cyber law, cyber forensics, cyber security, etc. PTLB is also managing the exclusive techno legal ethical hacking software and tools repository in India.
PTLB e-learning platform is providing ethical hacking training and courses in India among various other techno legal courses, trainings, educations and skills development initiatives. We hope these initiatives of PTLB would be useful for all the stakeholders.