The present trend in India in this regard is not very encouraging. Virtualisation and cloud computing service providers are either not aware of applicable Indian laws or they are working in gross regard of the same. Even requirements of Indian laws pertaining to encryption usage in India are not followed in proper manner.
Virtualisation and cloud computing service providers in India must not only follow the encryption laws of India but they must also ensure cyber law due diligence in India. This is more so when the cyber law due diligence for companies in India has become very stringent and foreign companies and websites are frequently prosecuted in India for non exercise of cyber due diligence.
Perry4Law and Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) have provided the projected cyber law trends of India 2012. According to this trend, cyber due diligence for cloud computing, social media, virtualisation services, etc would be required to be exercised frequently in India by various technology players.
Further, although we have no dedicated legal framework for cloud computing in India as on date yet legal and regulatory issues of cloud computing in India would arise in future. In fact, cloud computing in India is legally risky. Further, e-discovery for cloud computing in India would also bring its own share of techno legal issues.
Companies dealing in virtualisation and cloud computing services must ensure that they are complying with various techno legal requirements in India.